Parenting habits. We all have them. I have some bad ones. If I were to write about my flaws, it would go something like this:

  • Need to get some work done?
    Let the children have a super long nap, then regret it at bedtime.

  • Hangry child? Dinner not ready yet?
    Offer a snack then regret it when sitting down to eat.

  • Yearned for sleep all day?
    Instead of going to bed, revel in the quiet. Watch Netflix and lose a couple of hours. Regret your decision in the morning.

But, in the spirit of positivity, I’m going to focus on ideas that help. Most of these habits are ridiculously simple and they make life easier, even when the day is going like this…


So, without further ado…

8 (GOOD) Parenting Habits

1. Hold on to happy

Awesome days happen. Soak in them. Drink them up. Record them in whatever way you prefer (smartphones are a lifesaver). Have those records on hand for days that aren’t awesome. Good memories cheer you up AND they cheer your kids up!

2. Accept Chaos

Chaos and destruction are guaranteed. Mistakes happen, emotions explode, and problems pile up. Let things go and roll with it. If you can, ask for help. If not, stop and breathe. Discard distractions and be fully present with your child. Know that this too shall pass.



3. Slow down

The easiest way to encourage kids to hurry up is to slow down. It may sound counter-intuitive, but as much as children like to do things “fast,” they struggle with hurrying. The stress causes them to shut down, become distracted, or even meltdown completely. Slowing down your speech and movements help to calm both you and your child(ren).


4. Trust

Trust your kids. They may not communicate calmly or efficiently, but listening is the simplest and most respectful way to find a resolution, and it is much easier to listen to someone you trust.

Trust yourself. You know your kids. Take some time to understand what is needed then find a kind way to deal with the request calmly and kindly. Ignore judgment and hold on strong. You know you are doing your best (even if you would like some reassurance).

Child kneeling on grass verge, looking at a plucked dandelion. Parenting Habits: Listen to your child not to those judging you

5. Be kind

Approach everything with kindness. You can be firm, confident, and consistent. Kindness is not passiveness; it simply sets the tone, determines boundaries, and encourages empathy. Kindness simplifies every decision. In difficult situations, choose the kindest option (this is not always the easiest one); everything else will fall into place.

Oh, and don’t forget, be kind to yourself.

6. Forgive, learn, and start again

Bad days. Mistakes. Emotional breakdowns. Anxiety. Stress. Poor choices. All human. So, forgive yourself. Forgive your kids. If you need to apologize, do so. Then, figure out what you can do better next time. Mistakes are simply opportunities to learn and be better.

7. Treat yourself

Whatever your budget, whatever your circumstances, whatever your history, you are worthy of happiness. In the midst of a storm, it is good to know there is a little piece of joy that is just for you. I choose chocolate and even have a secret supply for emergencies. Most of the time, it’s enough to know it is there.

8. Smile

This is perhaps the simplest and most effective strategy of all. A private smile works, but if you can share a smile with your little ones nothing else matters. Try it now, smile. This is a great time to remind yourself, just how awesome you are.

These parenting habits are not a magic solution, but they do make life easier (and more fun). I challenge you to try one (or two) for the next seven days. And, feel free to share what works for you in the comments. Let’s spread the joy.


Of course, one of the best things you can do is keep well rested. If, like me, you stay up later than you should (just to enjoy some alone time), break that habit now! Very often, a little extra sleep and rest are all we need. Take yourself to bed, turn off your devices, and go to sleep.

Stay kind and keep buzzin’

[PARADOX ALERT: Current time 01:34 – Goodnight!]

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