This is #day9.
Over the summer, I am writing a short post about our day. The posts highlight some of our fun times, boring times, and imperfect times.



. . And
. . . . . . . remember
. not
. . . . . . . . . . . . . to mention
. . . . . . Canada.

Boy is worried about our upcoming trip.
He started a packing list:

• Toothbrush
• Malted Wheats
• Clothes
• Apple
• Table (he is not happy this won’t fit in the suitcase and is determined to try)
• All of the cups
• Wellies

But even with the list, he is worried.
So, today, I don’t mention Canada unless he raises the topic.

Anxiety is a tricky gremlin.
It doesn’t go away, it hides in the corner waiting to cause chaos.

So, we take things slowly.
The gremlin jumps out occasionally.

I speak calmly to my son and ignore the gremlin.

Boy makes rules.
“No chocolate allowed.”
“Nana can only sleep two days.”

The rules form a prison around the gremlin.

The cushions come off the sofa.
Nuts are lined up, and eaten.
Nutshells are scattered.

By evening our home shows evidence of the gremlin’s residence.

We begin to clean.
The gremlin whispers to boy.

Motherhood wasn’t perfect today.
Boy and gremlin danced perfectly.
Husband? Got some perfect Lego for another day.

Boy asked about getting a new bed when he’s a grown up.

Tomorrow – I work.
I get ahead.
We soothe the gremlin.

How do you soothe anxiety in yourself or your kids?

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